Friday, February 24, 2012

#DestinationFridays: Frequent Flyer Miles and Points

Well #workinggirl we had another successful week.  We took Monday off for President's Day (the only bonus holiday this #workinggirl has), Tuesday was all about excelling in your in person interview, Wednesday we learned to dress for total interview success, and on Thursday we discussed the benefits of internships.

Well this edition of #DestinationFridays is not dedicated to a specific destination, but how to use frequent flyer miles or points to get to that fab travel locale.  You don't need to be George Clooney from Up in the Air to win the miles game.  Even the occasional traveler can score big.

I recently was a guest blogger on, a travel website focused on enhancing your travel experience.  Everyone wants to cash in all of those miles for free travel.  Check out my two part post to see how.

How I Scored 2 Peak-season International Tickets for $300: Part 1 – Air Loyalty Programs & Earning

How I Scored 2 Peak-season International Tickets for $300: Part 2 – Reward Burn

See you all on Monday!

Cheryl Reynolds
College Girl to Working Girl


  1. I LOVE it!

    First you teach young women how to grow in the work place, then you them how to enjoy success with travel!

    Work hard & Play hard!

  2. You got it MrsGrins! Looks for our post this Friday as we way up the pros and cons of booking a vacation package vs. individual components.
